Defending Wright Is WRONG!!
It should come as no surprise to anyone that people out there would actually defend what Jeremiah Wright has said.
I'm not one to defend America, ever!! But in this instance, I must take offense to what this filth who claims to be a holy man has said. If Trinity United Church of Christ wants to defend this pig, be my guest. What that says to me is that Trinity United Church of Christ believes and supports everything that this pig says. If United Church of Christ wants to defend this pig, be my guest. What that says to me is that the United Church of Christ believes and supports everything that this pig says.
The criticism and disgust hurled at Wright is not an attack on the African American Church. The criticism and disgust hurled at Wright is not an attack on Trinity United Church of Christ. This is not an attack on the United Church of Christ. It is an attack directed at Wright, and rightfully so!!
His character is being attacked? He should have thought about that before he opened his fucking mouth. The moment he spewed forth his hatred was the moment he became fair game. The moment he started talking shit was the moment that he opened himself up to criticism. He doesn't get a free pass just because he's a minister. He doesn't get a free pass just because he knows The Savior (Obama, not the cloud being).
This pig stood in a pulpit on the Sunday following September 11th, and he talked about the "chickens coming home to roost". This pig stood there and basically said that we got what we deserved. Now like I said, I'm not one to defend America but come on!! Whether you believe the official story of September 11th or not, nobody deserved what happened. Nobody deserved to be forced to jump to their deaths from a burning building because there was no other way out. Nobody deserved to be incinerated. Nobody deserved to die that day!! People are still dying because of that day. They don't deserve to die either. Does Trinity United Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ feel the same way? Do they feel that people deserved to die? How can anyone defend that?
This pig stood in a pulpit and talked about how Hillary isn't black. He talked about how Hillary has never been called a nigger. Where's Al Sharpton? He hates when people use that word. In fact, he wants it banned. He thinks that nobody should be allowed to use it. So, where was he when Jeremiah Wright was throwing it around? Oh that's right!! Nowhere!! But now he's conveniently making the rounds on television pretty much defending everything this pig has said. Apparently he thinks that we shouldn't be talking about this. It's not worth our time.
This pig stood in a pulpit and time and time again has trashed white people. What I find rather disgusting is that Obama hasn't said one thing about the trashing of white people. His mother was white. By exposing his children to this and saying nothing, he is allowing his own mother to be trashed. He is allowing his children to have hatred for their grandmother instilled in them because of her ethnicity. They are being taught to hate their heritage. They are white and black. They shouldn't have to choose!!
I don't believe for one second that Obama knew this pig for 20 years, and not once did he ever hear him say shit like this. Obama is a liar!! Nobody, except for his Savorites would fall for that line. He went on Fox News, and he said that he was aware of one or two of Wright's comments. Then he went on CNN, and he said that he wasn't aware of any comments until now. Which is it? Either you know, or you don't know. He says that he finds "some" of Wright's comments appalling. Some? Every comment he made was appalling. Hell, it was beyond appalling!! But that's all the Savior can come up with? If he only finds "some" of the comments to be appalling, what comments does he agree with? Oh wait, I can't ask him that because I'm being racist.
Wright is a vile, disgusting excuse of what apparently passes for a human being these days. He deserves to be criticized. He deserves to be trashed. He deserves a good VERBAL beatdown.
All I have to say is that when you have to turn on Limbaugh and find an ounce of truth in what he's saying, you know that HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!
I'm not finished talking about this. This is only the beginning!!
Obama's church accuses media of character assassination
CHICAGO – The church attended by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) fought back Sunday against mounting criticism of its pastor, accusing the media of character assassination and “crucifixion.”
Otis Moss III, the current pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, used his pulpit to defend his congregation and its past minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., from a wave of controversy stemming from inflammatory statements made by Wright.
"We have listened and watched as the wonderful work of our church has been vilified this week," he told about 3,000 congregants on Palm Sunday morning. "This week should be special for us because I guess we know a little something about crucifixion."
The church also released a statement that began: “Nearly three weeks before the 40th commemorative anniversary of the murder of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.’s character is being assassinated in the public sphere because he has preached a social gospel on behalf of oppressed women, children and men in America and around the globe.”
Trinity, an 8,000-member church on the South Side of Chicago, came under intense scrutiny over the past week for statements made by Wright that harshly criticized American society as racist and blamed U.S. leaders for the Sept. 11 attacks.
Moss delivered a fiery sermon Sunday, defending the African-American church’s right to speak out about social issues. He stressed Trinity's work in its still-impoverished community, mentioning the church's scholarship programs, drug counseling, SAT prep classes, and missions to Africa.
"Our very sanity is connected to the church. If it hadn't been for the church we would have lost our minds in the insanity of racism," he said, in a sermon titled, "Why the Black Church Won't Shut Up."
Although Moss never mentioned Obama explicitly, he alluded to his most famous parishioner in a prayer asking God to "do something amazing in this country" and "break down walls that are centuries old."
Neither Wright or Obama were present Sunday.
Moss’s sermon also echoed the inclusiveness theme that runs though Obama's stump speeches, highlighting how the church welcomes worshipers of every color, creed, and sexual orientation.
In the statement released to reporters, Moss said called criticism of Wright and the church an “attack on the legacy of the African American Church which led and continues to lead the fight for human rights in America and around the world.”
Obama's relationship with his church has been a long-running hot button issue for his campaign. But new tapes that circulated of Wright last week reignited a firestorm of criticism.
"God bless America? No. God (expletive) America!" preaches Wright in one particularly fiery sermon circulated in news reports last week.
In a Friday column posted on The Huffington Post, Obama both rejected and condemned Wright's statements.
"The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation," wrote Obama.
On Friday, Wright also stepped down from Obama's African-American Religious Leadership Committee. The 66-year-old pastor is currently in the process of retiring from his position as head pastor of the church.
Obama first distanced himself from Wright early last year, when he withdrew an invitation for the pastor to deliver a public prayer at his announcement for the Democratic nomination.
But in his commentary, Obama made clear his strong ties to his congregation.
Wright built the church from a small flock of less than 100, to a strong pillar of African-American Chicago. The church preaches an Afro-centric theology, describing itself as "Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian."
Their black heritage is seen throughout the sanctuary. Painted glass windows depict famous scenes from black history, like the founding of the NAACP, and church officials wear bright African print tunics and robes.
The church is a social force in the South side of Chicago, running everything from computer centers to addiction counseling programs.
Trinity also takes on various political causes as part of its mission, encouraging members to write the Cook County Board of Commissioners to stop cuts in the health care system and boycott Wal-mart.
It was at Trinity that Obama had his own spiritual awakening, while working as a community organizer in the community. A 1988 sermon by Wright, called "The Audacity to Hope," became the title of Obama’s second book, published in 2006.
In Wright's farewell sermon, early last month, he did not mention Obama by name but alluded to his biography and stump speech slogan.
"But, if you use your mind, instead of a lost statistic in a hate-filled universe, you just may end up a law student at Harvard University. In fact, if you use your mind, you might end up as the editor of the Harvard Law Review. If you use your mind, instead of [being] a statistic destined for the poor house, you just may end up a statesman destined for the ... Yes, we can!" he told cheering congregants.
On Sunday, business went on mostly as usual at Trinity. The 150-person choir rocked, 10 babies were blessed, and congregants prayed.
But Moss was well aware that he was hosting some guests. At least a dozen reporters sat in the pews, taking notes on the services. Moss asked them to be respectful and his congregants not to grant any interviews.
"Some people, looking for their 20 minutes of fame," Moss teased his flock, "No interviews."
Here is the full text of the statement, with the headline, “AN ATTACK ON OUR SENIOR PASTOR AND THE HISTORY OF THE AFRICAN AMERICAN CHURCH”:
Chicago, Ill. (March 15, 2008) — Nearly three weeks before the 40th commemorative anniversary of the murder of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.’s character is being assassinated in the public sphere because he has preached a social gospel on behalf of oppressed women, children and men in America and around the globe.
“Dr. Wright has preached 207,792 minutes on Sunday for the past 36 years at Trinity United Church of Christ. This does not include weekday worship services, revivals and preaching engagements across America and around the globe, to ecumenical and interfaith communities. It is an indictment on Dr. Wright’s ministerial legacy to present his global ministry within a 15- or 30-second sound bite,” said the Reverend Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ.
During the 36-year pastorate of Dr. Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ has grown from 87 to 8,000 members. It is the largest congregation in the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination.
“It saddens me to see news stories reporting such a caricature of a congregation that has been such a blessing to the UCC’s Wider Church mission,” said the Rev. John H. Thomas, UCC general minister and president, in a released statement. “ … It’s time for us to say ‘No’ to these attacks and declare that we will not allow anyone to undermine or destroy the ministries of any of our congregations in order to serve their own narrow political or ideological ends.”
Trinity United Church of Christ’s ministry is inclusive and global. The following ministries have been developed under Dr. Wright’s ministerial tutelage for social justice: assisted living facilities for senior citizens, day care for children, pastoral care and counseling, health care, ministries for persons living with HIV/AIDS, hospice training, prison ministry, scholarships for thousands of students to attend historically black colleges, youth ministries, tutorial and computer programs, a church library, domestic violence programs and scholarships and fellowships for women and men attending seminary.
Moss added, “The African American Church was born out of the crucible of slavery and the legacy of prophetic African American preachers since slavery has been and continues to heal broken marginalized victims of social and economic injustices. This is an attack on the legacy of the African American Church which led and continues to lead the fight for human rights in America and around the world.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached the Christian tenet, “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Before Dr. King was murdered on April 4, 1968, he preached, “The 11 o’clock hour is the most segregated hour in America.” Forty years later, the African American Church community continues to face bomb threats, death threats, and their ministers’ characters are assassinated because they teach and preach prophetic social concerns for social justice. Sunday is still the most segregated hour in America.
I'm not one to defend America, ever!! But in this instance, I must take offense to what this filth who claims to be a holy man has said. If Trinity United Church of Christ wants to defend this pig, be my guest. What that says to me is that Trinity United Church of Christ believes and supports everything that this pig says. If United Church of Christ wants to defend this pig, be my guest. What that says to me is that the United Church of Christ believes and supports everything that this pig says.
The criticism and disgust hurled at Wright is not an attack on the African American Church. The criticism and disgust hurled at Wright is not an attack on Trinity United Church of Christ. This is not an attack on the United Church of Christ. It is an attack directed at Wright, and rightfully so!!
His character is being attacked? He should have thought about that before he opened his fucking mouth. The moment he spewed forth his hatred was the moment he became fair game. The moment he started talking shit was the moment that he opened himself up to criticism. He doesn't get a free pass just because he's a minister. He doesn't get a free pass just because he knows The Savior (Obama, not the cloud being).
This pig stood in a pulpit on the Sunday following September 11th, and he talked about the "chickens coming home to roost". This pig stood there and basically said that we got what we deserved. Now like I said, I'm not one to defend America but come on!! Whether you believe the official story of September 11th or not, nobody deserved what happened. Nobody deserved to be forced to jump to their deaths from a burning building because there was no other way out. Nobody deserved to be incinerated. Nobody deserved to die that day!! People are still dying because of that day. They don't deserve to die either. Does Trinity United Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ feel the same way? Do they feel that people deserved to die? How can anyone defend that?
This pig stood in a pulpit and talked about how Hillary isn't black. He talked about how Hillary has never been called a nigger. Where's Al Sharpton? He hates when people use that word. In fact, he wants it banned. He thinks that nobody should be allowed to use it. So, where was he when Jeremiah Wright was throwing it around? Oh that's right!! Nowhere!! But now he's conveniently making the rounds on television pretty much defending everything this pig has said. Apparently he thinks that we shouldn't be talking about this. It's not worth our time.
This pig stood in a pulpit and time and time again has trashed white people. What I find rather disgusting is that Obama hasn't said one thing about the trashing of white people. His mother was white. By exposing his children to this and saying nothing, he is allowing his own mother to be trashed. He is allowing his children to have hatred for their grandmother instilled in them because of her ethnicity. They are being taught to hate their heritage. They are white and black. They shouldn't have to choose!!
I don't believe for one second that Obama knew this pig for 20 years, and not once did he ever hear him say shit like this. Obama is a liar!! Nobody, except for his Savorites would fall for that line. He went on Fox News, and he said that he was aware of one or two of Wright's comments. Then he went on CNN, and he said that he wasn't aware of any comments until now. Which is it? Either you know, or you don't know. He says that he finds "some" of Wright's comments appalling. Some? Every comment he made was appalling. Hell, it was beyond appalling!! But that's all the Savior can come up with? If he only finds "some" of the comments to be appalling, what comments does he agree with? Oh wait, I can't ask him that because I'm being racist.
Wright is a vile, disgusting excuse of what apparently passes for a human being these days. He deserves to be criticized. He deserves to be trashed. He deserves a good VERBAL beatdown.
All I have to say is that when you have to turn on Limbaugh and find an ounce of truth in what he's saying, you know that HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!
I'm not finished talking about this. This is only the beginning!!
Labels: Barack Obama, hate speech, media backlash, Trinity United Church of Christ, Wright
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm interested in knowing what was specifically hateful that Rev. Wright said. God "d--- America? Is that what you have an issue with? Is that the only thing? Does God d--- people and nations for their actions? Wow, I guess God was wrong for d---ing Adam and Eve with knowledge. What's wrong with the expression "chickens are coming home to roost"? Is that not the same as, what goes around comes around? How about the "Golden Rule" found in the Bible? Due unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
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