I Wish I Were In Paris

From war to peace and politics to gossip, if we have an opinion on something we'll share it here.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Non-Specific Viewpoint? Bullshit!!

The Catholic Church in Australia has been awarded an abortion counseling contract. Last year John Howard said, "organisations with religious affiliations were entitled to tender, but insisted the hotline would not be set up to provide a specific viewpoint on pregnancy or terminations."

Non-specific viewpoints? What the hell do you expect these Catholic Church counselors to tell pregnant women who either voluntarily or involuntarily seek counseling on abortion? It's not like they're going to say, hey go have an abortion. For Christ sake, these jackasses are so-called "pro-lifers." Non-specific viewpoints my ass. Everyone with a brain knows that these assholes from the Catholic Church are going to do absolutely everything they can to make sure that these women don't undergo an abortion. Don't be surprised if they lie, give false and misleading "medical" information to these women, and impose their religious bullshit on these women. Oh, and just imagine what they'll say to women or children who are victims of rape and incest who became pregnant as a result. I can hear it now, "I'm so sorry my child that you were raped (cough...cough...cough...smirk). I'm so sorry my child that your daddy or other male relative had sex with you against your will (cough...cough...cough...smirk). But you see, if you have an abortion you're a sinner because God doesn't like abortions. You're going to go to hell if you abort that fetus. You see, all life is sacred. You must look past your selfish desires and needs. You must get over the crimes that were perpetrated against you. You must carry that fetus to term because God created this gift for you."

To the women of Australia I say this:

These are the people who believed that an 11 year old child who was raped by her stepfather for a few years and became pregnant as a result should have carried that fetus to term. These are the people who believe that the only appropriate procreation is between a husband and wife through marital sex. Yet when it comes to rape and incest victims, all that is thrown out the window. In the grand scheme of things, they don't give a damn about these victims. They only care about the fetus. That is of course, up until it's born. After that, they don't give a damn anymore.

If I lived in Australia, I'd rather seek advice from the most heinous person alive before I'd ever seek counseling from the Catholic Church. Now that's saying something!!


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